
Aren’t your thoughts like clouds passing through the sky? Sometimes stormy, sometimes fluffy and sweet? As you endeavor to cultivate a meditation practice, you will find life’s ups and downs show up, like anywhere. So why do you need a meditation teacher? As a meditation teacher for many years, I help students navigate their inner landscape. Sometimes that means emotional release, sometimes breathing techniques, sitting, standing, or moving exercises.

Consider your spiritual growth, meditation, relationship, & wellness goals…

Meditation assists with all of the above and more. Why? Because meditation helps you relax long enough to know what you’re next step will be. Then you are back on track with your Life. Fitting in even 5 minutes, once or twice a day has shown significant progress for many, many people. Spending a couple hours at the beach or in a forest does wonders.

Whether we go to the beach or sit in the meditation studio, whether you lay down for some Reiki or sit for some emotional release, these “Attunement Journeys” give you the experiences you need to progress further on your own.  So take some time to reflect, contemplate, be still, go for a walk, dance, sing, make a list, or take a nap…whatever will help you feel better, in preparation for your next step forward. It’s all about feeling forward, to have the experiences you wish. Embody peace.


Book Now to Reclaim Your Joy for Living.